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{Main Index} {Friendship} {Love}

Verse CopyrightSandbox Greetings

Midi used with permission
© Bruce DeBoer

Alternate Tell-A-Friend Mailer



Darling, when I say I love you
It is so much more than words.
It is this magnificent feeling
That starts in my heart and
Radiates outward to
Every part of my body!

It is a feeling so strong that
When I hold you in my arms
You will be able to feel
Every single ounce of it
As deeply and completely
As I feel it in my heart.

You are everything to me
My night, my day
My love...my very life!
You are my reason to
Strive for all the best
That life has to offer us.

All of that and
So much more
Are behind the words
When I say to you,
I love you.