Please, tell me now, while
My ears can still hear beyond
Your simply spoken words

Speak it once, twice, a hundred
Times over, so that it rings loud
And true within my very soul

"I love you" "I'm sorry" "I miss
You," whatever need be said,
Please, say it now

Please, show me now
While my eyes can still gaze
Upon your tender face,
The light within your brightest
Loving smile
Flowing towards me

Please, touch me now
Hold me closely to you,
While the warmth of life is
Still coursing throughout
My veins

Wrap your arms through mine
Lay your open hand in mine,
Combine your warmth and
Share your love with mine

There is no other time
Please, tell me now

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Verse used with permission
Copyright 2005 Peggy A. Michik

Midi "Sleep" used with permission
Copyright Bruce DeBoer

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