When I close my eyes and think of the kiss we last shared my heart starts fluttering like the beating of a thousand butterflies taking flight within my chest. I can still feel your arms pulling me close. See the fire in your eyes just before you leaned in closer and pressed your lips to my neck kissing it gently just below my ear then planting tiny kisses across the line of my jaw as you worked your way towards my mouth. The feeling of your warm breath on my cheek and the small sound of anticipation that escaped you before our lips met is a vivid memory I live over and over in my mind. I am filled with expectation as I next recall the moment our lips met and your tongue traced my lips then gently parted them, the electric current that coursed through me as our tongues tentatively met and touched for the first time. I am filled with a mixture of fierce love and desire as our tongues caress and dance the age-old tango of the kiss. I still feel the ache of loss as the kiss finally ended and we parted.
Won't you please come kiss me again?

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Midi "Her Kiss" © 2001 Bruce DeBoer

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