Jesus Is Waiting

Only Jesus can give us peace today
Ask, and He will show us the way
Our every sin He is willing to forgive
Let Him teach us how to live.

Often we struggle through the dark night
Jesus is waiting to guide us into the light
Have faith and take hold of His hand
Every doubt we have He does understand.

Jesus is waiting to give every soul peace
Freeing our spirit to soar high in release
Our prayers we trust Him to always hear
And thanking Him for removing all fear.

Jesus is waiting to sustain us in every way
And He will spiritually renew us each day
Never to walk alone on the pathway
We accepted Him in our heart to stay.

Jesus is waiting to lead us to the promised land
The world is strange and we hold to His hand
The gates of heaven He will open wide
And with Jesus leading we will step inside.

Verse © 2009 Glenna M. Baugh
Living by Faith

Psalms 25:4 KJV
Show me thy ways, O Lord;
teach me thy paths.


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