My Friend,
You came into my life at a time I really needed a friend, a time when I felt like I could not sink any lower. I had lost faith in every one and every thing in my life, then you opened my eyes and showed me all of the good things that were still in my life. Things that I just could not see through all of my anger, sadness, and fears. You quietly listened through all of my tales of woe, never once criticizing me, just giving me a chance to get it off my chest. You held me up and supported me giving me the strength and courage to go on with my life. You have given me so much of yourself, your time, your energy, but most importantly, you have given me something that my heart will never forget… your friendship. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done. You mean the world to me and I appreciate you more than words can say.
Forever and Always
Your Friend

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