Look up My Love and see the moon...
Hear the music, it makes me swoon...
Dance on the moonbeam with me...
As we waltz across the sea...
Twirll me round once or twice...
Hold me close, oh so nice...
Place your lips on mine...
Let our tounge dance, entwine...
Look into my eyes and what do you see...
The sparkle of diamonds, you placed in me...
Your eyes twinkle as you look deep inside...
Yes my Darling, here love does reside...
Moonbeams surrond us now...
As the waltz ends you take a bow...
In your arms you have pulled me close to kiss...
Our hearts are beating in happiness...
Dance with me on a moonbeam tonight...
Kiss me, pull me close, hold me tight...
For you My Love I will dance...
Our love what a wonderful romance...
Dont let this night ever end...
This dream of love to you I send...


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Verse used with permission Copyright Shirley Kniss

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